I don't see my NFT ASSET on my Metamask
If for some reason you don't see the assets nft you purchased in your metamask wallet
Make sure you are logged in with the same MetaMask wallet you used for the purchase
Make sure you have installed to Mcoin network to your metamask.
Make sure you have selected the Mcoin Network option from the network drop-down list at the top of your matamask wallet.

Step One
Open your MetaMask wallet in NFT section and scroll to the bottom of it.

Step Two
Click the "Import NFT" button.

Step Three
Paste in the correct token address into the "Token Contract Address" box.
The Metarise Address for ASSETs NFT (Drop1) is: 0x9334ff27bd7f3E1ca91eBaE9b64B8AAbFE374e01

For "Token ID": It depends on the asset you bought, but you can find the Token ID on the asset's page in the Metarise Marketplace. Each asset has a unique Token ID.
After you find it, paste the Token ID into the Token ID box in Metarise and click Confirm

You will see your NFT assets in the NFT section of MetaMask under the MCOIN network

Last updated