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Metarise city spreads across a x km area, and is split up into 10.800 plots of land across the 3 main districts.
These plots of land are held by their owners as an NFTs, which can be traded , and the map of all plots is viewable on our land plot map.
There will be no more land plots created in the central hub of Metarise City, so these are the only official Metarise created land plots that will be available to the general public.
In future however, Metarise may facilitate the creation of community projects or partner specific outposts outside of this central hub, depending on key partner wishes.
These land plots may be either joined together if the holder has multiple land plots, to make one larger plot, or kept as separate and segmented places for experience and creation.
Landholders can use their plots just for themselves, or create to share with their friends, family, following, fans or brand audiences, letting them experience the full Metarise welcoming them into their bespoke land inside Metarise city.